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Solo & Ensemble Festival Info

Band students are all encouraged to participate in the KSHSAA Regional and State Solo and Ensemble Festivals held in the spring.


To participate, students must complete the Solo & Ensemble Interest form by Friday February 7th and turn registration payments to the lockbox by Wednesday March 12th (amounts and payment information are listed in the Solo & Ensemble Interest Form).


Students must have 2 originals of their music. One to perform from and one for the judge to use. Music can be ordered online. Check with Mr. Maddux as the school may have an original to use with the judge. The 2 original requirement is to comply with copyright laws related to music performance.


Woodwind / Brass students performing a solo will also need to have an accompanist to perform the piano part. A list of accompanists can be found at the link on the right.

February 7th

Interest Form Deadline


March 12th

Registration Payment Due


March 25th - 28th

Required Flex Time for mock performance


April 5th

Regional Festival at Olathe South


April 26th

State Festival at Washburn Rural HS

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